Are Paintballs Biodegradable?

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Are Paintballs Biodegradable? Paintballs are a great way to play paintball without having to worry about any of the negative effects that come with traditional ammunition. However, if you’re wondering what the materials used in biodegradable paintballs are and why they’re better for the environment than standard ones, we have some answers for you.

Are Paintballs Biodegradable?

Paintballs are not biodegradable. They consist of plastic and other non-biodegradable materials, so they will not degrade in nature. However, the paint used to make the balls is biodegradable. So when you shoot someone with a paintball gun or cannon, their clothes will get covered in green or orange splotches that wash off easily in warm water.

The most common type of biodegradable paintball is “earth friendly” because it comes from cornstarch instead of petroleum-based plastic like regular ones are. You can tell if your ball has this kind of coating on it by looking at its label. If there isn’t any mention of being earth friendly on there then chances are good that it isn’t!

Common Materials Used In Biodegradable Paintballs


Cornstarch is a common ingredient in biodegradable paintballs. You can find it in many different types of food, including bread, pasta and cookies. Cornstarch comes from corn that has been ground up into a powdery substance. The starch from this process comes from extraction from the corn through a series of steps. This includes washing away any excess water or impurities before drying it out into granules for use as food products or other materials like biodegradable paintballs!


Gelatin is a biodegradable polymer that comes from animal byproducts. It is present in a variety of foods and cosmetics, but its common use is adhesive for paintballs. Gelatin has excellent adhesion properties that make it ideal for this application–and because it’s biodegradable, you can be sure that your gelatin-based paintballs will break down over time.

Potato Starch

Potato starch is a natural product that derives from potatoes. It’s biodegradable, which means it breaks down into small pieces when it enters the environment. Potato starch is often present in foods and cosmetics because of its many health benefits and properties. In paintballs, potato starch serves as an additive to help make the ball more flexible so that it can bounce off targets better than other types of balls.

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Alginate is a natural gum that comes from seaweed. It serves as an edible food additive and as a thickener in cosmetics, toothpaste, shampoo and other products. They’re using it to create casts for broken bones or mouldings for dentures. Alginate is a biodegradable product that is safe to use in paintballs. It helps make the balls more flexible so they can bounce off targets better than other types of balls.


Cellulose is a natural polymer that comes from the cell walls of plants. They’re using it in food products, paper and textiles because it will biodegrade by microorganisms to form carbon dioxide and water. Cellulose is also present in paintballs because it’s biodegradable and doesn’t harm the environment as much as other plastics do. Cellulose is present in paintballs to make them more durable and increase their lifespan. It also serves as a filler material that helps reduce the weight of balls without sacrificing durability.

Guar Gum

Guar gum is a polysaccharide that comes from the seeds of the Guar plant. It’s been used for centuries in India, Pakistan and other parts of Asia as well as North America to thicken foods such as ice cream, pudding and soups. It also serves as a stabilizer in paintballs because it helps keep the ball intact. It is added to make the ball more durable and helps it retain its shape after being shot with compressed air.

Soybean Oil

Soybean oil is a renewable resource that’s usable to produce biodegradable paintballs. It is a biodegradable material because it naturally breaks down over time, unlike other materials that comes from petrochemicals. It also has many uses outside of paintball manufacturing, making it an environmentally-friendly choice for your next game of paintball!

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Biodegradable Paintballs You Can Play With

Goblies Throwable Paintballs

Goblies Throwable Paintballs consist of corn and are biodegradable. They’re safe for the environment and versatile in any type of paintball gun, so you don’t need to worry about them causing any harm when throwing them into a tree or on your lawn. These paintballs are also great for backyard games because they won’t break through windows or walls like regular ones would!

Goblies Throwable Paintballs
Goblies Throwable Paintballs

JT Splatmaster Biodegradable Paintballs

Biodegradable paintballs come from cornstarch and are usable in non-biodegradable fields. This means that if you’re playing on an old or traditional field, you can still use JT Splatmaster Biodegradable Paintballs. However, if you’re playing on a new field, then these balls may not work well because they won’t break down quickly enough.

They’re also great for backyard games because they won’t break through windows or walls like regular ones would! JT Splatmaster Biodegradable Paintballs use cornstarch and are usable in non-biodegradable fields.

JT Splatmaster Biodegradable Paintballs
JT Splatmaster Biodegradable Paintballs

PGN Biodegradable Clay Slingshot Paintballs

If you’re looking for a paintball that’s safe to use in the home and garden, PGN Biodegradable Clay Slingshot Paintballs may be the right choice. These clay balls come from natural materials and are usable to play paintball indoors or out. They are also safe for use in parks, backyards, neighbourhoods and other areas where traditional paintballs might cause damage or harm wildlife.

PGN Biodegradable Clay Slingshot Paintballs
PGN Biodegradable Clay Slingshot Paintballs

RAP4 Eco-Friendly Field Paintballs

RAP4 Eco-Friendly Field Paintballs consist of biodegradable cornstarch and are 100% biodegradable. They also come from recyclable materials, so they’re completely safe for the environment. These paintballs don’t contain any lead or heavy metals. Instead, they come with a nontoxic chemical that’s safe for humans and animals alike. If you want to play paintball but still keep it environmentally friendly, these are some of the best options on the market!

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RAP4 Eco-Friendly Field Paintballs
RAP4 Eco-Friendly Field Paintballs

Valken Graffiti Paintballs

If you’re looking for a paintball that’s environmentally friendly and biodegradable, Valken Graffiti Paintballs are the way to go. It comes from vegetable-based ingredients, these paintballs have no toxic chemicals and are safe to play with indoors. They’re also nontoxic and FDA-approved. This means they won’t give your friends any nasty side effects if they get hit by one! The paintballs themselves consist of cornstarch and water. After playing with them once or twice (or three times), all you need do is throw away what’s left of your ammo bag when it’s empty.

Valken Graffiti Paintballs
Valken Graffiti Paintballs


Are paintballs biodegradable? The answer is yes and no. We hope that you now have a better understanding of the different biodegradable materials used in paintballs. Most importantly, we want you to know that there is no single material that works best for all applications. The most important thing is finding what works best for each individual situation and then using it accordingly! Check out other eco-friendly paintballs you can safely play with.

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